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Joining the Committee

We are an incorporated organisation under Victorian Law established in 1999, a registered charity (ACNC) with Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR) run by and for the community

Nominations for the 2024 AGM are now open!

All roles will be declared vacant at the commencement of the AGM on Tuesday the 8th of October 2024 (5.30pm) and nominations for each are needed.


To nominate you must be:


Nominations will be received until 11.59pm on Friday 4th October 2024 online (members login and go to the members area) or download and return this pdf form.


You can nominate someone else provided they meet the conditions and they have agreed to the nomination.


Just want to come along, hear about our progress, vote and eat dinner with us? RSVP so we can cater to you, or send you the zoom link.


Read on for more information and position descriptions...

Got a bit of time and expertise to give?

What to expect about committee participation

  • Committee members are elected each year at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) by our membership.

  • You must have been a member for a minimum 2 weeks before the AGM (October each year) to nominate.

  • You must have submitted a nomination form.

  • All members are welcome to nominate for any position (all are declared vacant every year, although you can re-nominate and seek election again in your role if desired), although as an organisation with many demands on it (around financial and not-for-profit status management, staff employment, volunteer management and occupational health and safety, to name a few) we have prepared position descriptions as a guide to which skillsets benefit which positions.

  • Committee members are volunteers (unpaid), carry legal responsibilities for the decision-making while on the committee and are required to give from 10-40hrs of their time each month, which includes a minimum monthly meeting and any pre-reading.

  • Office Bearers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer & Secretary) have special roles as outlined in the model rules that are our organisational constitution (open link in new window). You can read more about position requirements for committee roles below - a position description for each will open if you click the position name.

  • If you have the time commitment, joining the committee is a great way to give back to the rural community arts sector in East Gippsland, sharpen your skillset and gain experience that can take you places in your career. Other benefits include new friends and unforgettable experiences.


Under the model rules, the Chairperson is responsible for good process and governance of meetings. Although not explicitly documented, this role acts as the head of the organisation, ensuring good leadership, governance, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement. They are the lead spokesperson but are not the 'boss' (all committee members hold equal responsibility for good governance and organisational process and decision-making legally). They must be consultative. At the OEC, the Artistic Director reports to the Chair. 


As detailed in the model rules, the secretary is responsible for the administrative tasks of the committee, including meeting agendas, minutes, and holds all correspondence, records, registers and documents in their custody. They prepare and lodge annual reports, and changes to the constitution. They play an important role as an official, bearing a stamp and ensuring good governance and reporting. They must work closely with the Chair and the wide committee.

Tool Bench

The Vice Chair acts as a shadow to the Chair, they should have a complete, if not as detailed, understanding of the organisation and Chair's activities so they can stand-in by arrangement and at short notice. They otherwise participate wholly and fully in the governance of the organisation, ensuring good process, strategic focus and providing support where needed.

Credit Assessment

The Treasurer oversees the financial administration of the organisation, designs, implements and reviews procedures and financial reporting, advises the Committee on financial strategy, and fundraising. At the OEC the Treasurer is supported by staff activities and they manage the fortnightly payroll. They should understand, or be willing to learn, in-depth about CAV, ACNC, ATO and DGR related financial requirements for  not-for-profits/incorporated associations. 

Hands Up

The OEC has a strong reliance on volunteers who keep the building open every week to help us be reliable and consistent. Our volunteer program has more than 15 volunteers (and growing) who require support, incentivisation and rostering. This role participates wholly and fully in the governance of the organisation, ensuring good process, strategic focus and providing support where needed, but is responsible for and puts additional time into the volunteer program operation, in collaboration with staff and volunteers. 

Image by Headway

General Committee members are whole and full members of the governance group however they do not bear a specific or unique responsibility. They provide support to the Chair, Secretary and committee members to ensure the organisation is delivering it's mission, has set and is delivering its strategic goals and is administered accordance with the rules, regulations and compliance obligations the organisation is subject to. At the OEC, this is an important role that often supports events and will take on tasks on behalf of the committee to share the workload, that help us stay operational and improve our practices.


We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which the OEC sits. We celebrate the long history of art inherent in the cultures of the Gunaikurnai, Bidwell and Monero peoples, and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.


© 2023 Orbost Exhibition Centre on the Snowy River Inc. | 8 Clarke Street, Orbost VIC 3888

TEL: (03) 5154 2634

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