8 Clarke Street, Orbost VIC 3888 | (03) 5154 2634
Regular opening hours Wed-Sun 10am-3pm, check our facebook page for any unexpected closures
on the Snowy River
Support Us / Get Invovled
There are a number of ways to support us today. This page outlines the financial ways to get involved but we always need volunteers so please check out our volunteering information if that interests you too.
1. Become a member! We have individual, family and corporate membership options.
2. Make a donation, we have DGR status which means donations are tax deductible.
3. Make a bequest. A bequest is a provision in your will that allows you to allocate assets or a portion of your estate to supporting the OEC.
However you choose to support us, you are contributing to the development and attraction of arts and culture experiences to our region. The best bit is you can support us more than one way!